To keep up with the changing landscape of Federal-aid regulation, the federal Master Agreement has been revised to reflect the recent changes created by the “Supercircular,” otherwise known as 2 CFR 200. When 2 CFR 200 was published over a year ago, it consolidated some Office of Management and Budget (OMB) directives and did away with a few other regulations. In addition, it has been 10 years since the last federal Master Agreement revision. To address references to obsolete federal regulations, the Caltrans Division of Local Assistance (DLA) has revised the Master Agreement to bring it into compliance.
This new federal Master Agreement will be required when agencies request an authorization for a new project (i.e. first authorization sequence). DLA will issue this agreement to a local agency upon receiving the new project request. For existing projects, DLA will issue a revised Program Supplement Agreement (PSA) when local agencies request authorization for additional funds or the next phase of work. If a construction contract has already been awarded, no revised PSA will be issued and a new Master Agreement will only be processed upon the agency’s initiation of a new project.
A copy of the Master Agreement Administering Agency-State Agreement for Federal-aid Projects can be found here.
For more information, contact Winton Emmett, Chief, Office of Project Implementation North, Caltrans HQ DLA at (916) 653-4231 or