Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council (TC3) Information Sharing YouTube Site for Local Agencies

The Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council (TC3) has launched a YouTube site containing videos supplied by agencies on test procedures, construction inspection, maintenance procedures, and more. A number of states have these type of videos but agencies are not aware they are available or where to find them, so the purpose of this TC3 YouTube site is to share this valuable information.

Local agencies are encouraged to visit the site to learn more about highway operations. There may be some slight state specific information (which the viewer is warned about), but much of the information is valuable to anyone performing a certain duty.

If you have videos that your state currently provides for instruction or may be in any way beneficial to technicians/engineers, please share them here so all agencies and organizations can benefit.  To share a video, send the link to your video for TC3 review and posting to Chris Anderson at

Check out the TC3  YouTube site

For further questions, contact Chris Anderson, TC3 Curriculum Development Chairperson, at or 515-238-8042.

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