In order for local agencies to utilize Unallocated Earmark Repurposing Funds for 2020, Caltrans HQ Division of Local Assistance must request Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) approval for the allocation of these funds.
Requests for allocation are due to Caltrans HQ Division of Local Assistance by Friday, July 24th.
The Unallocated Earmark Projects are posted on the 2020 Earmark Repurposing Webpage in two spreadsheets, respectively titled:
- Unallocated Earmarks Less Than 10% Obligated(excel)
- Unallocated Earmarks Greater Than 10% Obligated(excel)

Please review these two spreadsheets and notify your Caltrans District if you would like to request allocation for any projects. As a reminder, the unallocated funds come with their own Special Obligational Authority (OA) and will not require local agencies to use their own formula OA.
If you have any questions, please email