As a reminder, Unallocated Earmarks require both an allocation request AND fact sheet. Earmarks that have already been allocated require ONLY a fact sheet to be submitted.
The lists circled below in red contain all Unallocated Earmarks. To view these lists, visit the 2020 Earmark Repurposing Webpage.

Please review the two Unallocated Earmark lists and notify your Caltrans District if you would like to request allocation for any projects.
Requests for allocation are due to Caltrans HQ Division of Local Assistance by Friday, July 24th.
Fact Sheets are due to Caltrans HQ Division of Local Assistance by Friday, August 14th.
All repurposed earmark funds from 2020 must be obligated on or before September 30th, 2023.
If you have any questions, please email