Deadlines are quickly approaching! All 2018 Repurposed Earmark funds must be obligated on or before September 30, 2021. On that date, all unobligated repurposed balances will lapse.
To assure processing of Requests for Authorization (RFA) and allow for review and issuance of E-76 approvals through Caltrans and FHWA, agencies are recommended to submit RFA’s to their appropriate District Local Assistance Engineer before July 1, 2021.
As of January 27, 2021, we have over $324,000 in repurposed funds that have yet to be obligated. To help you review the status of your funds and projects, we have posted a spreadsheet at the top of the 2018 Earmark Repurposing webpage that lists all the repurposed earmarks expiring September 30, 2021. We will continue to update this list as the remaining funds are obligated.
If you have any questions regarding Earmark Repurposing, please contact your District Local Assistance Engineer.