You are invited to a free Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Every Day Counts – 5 (EDC-5) recorded webinar on June 15, 2021, from 10:00AM to 12:00PM PDT. Please see the attached flyer at the bottom of this notice for more information and forward this announcement to anyone else who may be interested.
Title: Driving FoRRRwD with the Pillars
Description: Rural roadway departures make up a third of U.S. traffic fatalities—about 30 people a day. The EDC-5 initiative, Focus on Reducing Rural Roadway Departures (FoRRRwD), features four pillars: Addressing All Public Roads, Systemic Approach, Safety Action Plans, and Proven Countermeasures. This webinar will focus on how several agencies are using the four pillars of FoRRRwD to reduce roadway departures.
Target Audience: State, local, and tribal stakeholders – come and learn how to implement the pillars to save lives in your community or jurisdiction.
Presenters and Topics:
• Jeevanjot Singh, New Jersey DOT will describe their project to develop a regional curve inventory and provide a systemic analysis for several local agencies to help them plan for and prioritize countermeasures to reduce crashes at curves, and develop projects by streamlining the delivery process at the State level.
• James Peck, Montgomery County, Indiana will provide an overview of how their systemic analysis led to Lane Departure countermeasures being included in their County Road Safety Plan that has been adopted.
• Andy Avery, Chemung County, New York will discuss how his small county used a systemic approach to develop a Local Road Safety Plan with 4 tiers of Roadway Departure countermeasures, and how they will implement it with funding that has been committed.
Registration: Participants must register in advance at Please register as soon as possible since space is limited.
FHWA is committed to providing equal access to this event for all participants. Closed captioning will be available. If you need alternative formats and/or services because of a disability, please contact Jennifer Symoun at with your request by close of business June 15, 2021. You may also contact Jennifer Symoun if you would like to receive a link to the recording after the webinar.
A certificate of participation that may be used for 2 Professional Development Hour credits if accepted by your licensing agency.