On September 20, 2021, a new memo, Floodplain Encroachment Location Hydraulic Study (LHS) Memo-No Significant Encroachment was prepared for use on low-risk project types located within a floodplain. These are typically National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Categorical Exclusion projects.
The new guidance will not change/revise the existing Location Hydraulic Study (LHS) form, but will allow low-risk project types (i.e. installation or replacement of pavement, striping, signs, cameras, traffic signals, roundabouts, curb, gutter, bicycle facilities, pedestrian facilities, in-kind maintenance activities and other related project types) within a floodplain to be processed without the use of the LHS or Summary of Floodplain Encroachment Report (SFER).
To access Office Bulletin #21-08 please refer to the following link: https://dot.ca.gov/-/media/dot-media/programs/local-assistance/documents/ob/2021/ob21-08.pdf
For questions regarding this Office Bulletin, please contact Mr. Guadalupe Jimenez at Lupe.Jimenez@dot.ca.gov.