The new self-paced Pavement Preservation Construction Inspection course will provide a more detailed understanding of the construction inspection and associated material testing of fog seals, slurry seals, microsurfacing, and chip seals.
Benefits of self-paced online course
• Time
• Convenience
• Certification
• Access to Instructor
Participants will learn about the materials and application of each type of treatment, inspector roles and responsibilities both before, during, and after application, the associated material testing, and other details in four modules:
1. Pavement Preservation Construction Inspection
2. Construction Inspection of Fog Seals
3. Inspection of Slurry Seal & Micro-Surfacing
4. Inspection of Chip Seals
The course is intended for construction inspectors, material testers, engineers, maintenance workers, engineers, and other technical staff involved in the construction, inspection, or material testing of various types of seal coats.
Register for the self-paced course on the UC Berkeley TechTransfer website.
Questions regarding the self-paced trainings, contact Registrar@TechTransfer.Berkeley.edu.