USDOT Technical Assistance, Resources, & Funding Opportunities

The full suite of US Department of Transportation technical assistance resources can be accessed at Search Technical Assistance Resources | US Department of Transportation.

New and Notable!
• FHWA opened the Transportation Access Pilot Program to potential participants including States, MPOs, and regional transportation planning organizations. The program will allow FHWA to support transportation agencies as they develop accessibility data and define methods of analysis to incorporate access into the transportation planning process. To be considered for round one of the program, a Letter of Interest must be submitted by June 7, 2024. View eligibility and application requirements.

Closing in June
• FHWA’s Low Carbon Transportation Materials Program is aimed at lowering air pollution, specifically greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), through reimbursement and incentive funding for low carbon construction materials and products used in transportation. States can refer to the Request for Applications for State Departments of Transportation page for application information and program details. Applications are due by June 10, 2024. A Frequently Asked Questions for the State RFA will be posted soon. Later this year, FHWA will also make $800 million available to target non-state applicants, including cities, Tribes, MPOs, and other agencies through a NOFO.

• FHWA’s new Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program (ATIIP) is a competitive grant program that will focus on building networks of connected bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvements, including to better connect trail networks between communities. The funding is available for states, local and Tribal governments, as well as metropolitan and regional planning organizations, and applicants can apply for more than one grant. Applications are due by June 17, 2024.

• Federal Transportation Agency (FTA) funding is available for the Passenger Ferry Program ($51 million), the Electric or Low Emitting Ferry Program ($49 million), and the Ferry Service for Rural Communities Program ($216 million). Find more information on the FTA website. Applications are due via by June 17, 2024.

Closing August
• The next Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) application deadline for Planning and Demonstration Grant application is August 29, 2024 at 2:00 pm PT. Late applications will not be accepted. Applications must be submitted through Valid Eval. For more information, please visit the How to Apply page of the SS4A website. Applicants are encouraged to review the NOFO amendment, published on April 16, 2024, for the latest updates on the SS4A FY 2024 funding opportunity. A final round of questions and answers is now available on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page of the SS4A website. New FAQs as of April 1, 2024, can be found by searching for *NEW* in the title.

Final Updates to SS4A Frequently Asked Questions
A final round of questions and answers is now available on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page of the SS4A website. New FAQs as of April 1, 2024, can be found by searching for *NEW* in the title. 

USDOT Navigator Grant Application Resources
Understanding Non-Federal Match Requirements
Grant Application Checklist for a Strong Transportation Workforce and Labor Plan
Checklist for a Strong Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience Grant Application
Federal Tools to Determine Disadvantaged Community Status
Benefit-Cost Analysis
Use of DOT Funds for Public Involvement

Contact the USDOT Federal Highway Administration for assistance.

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