Inactive Projects Greater than 24 Months Requires Immediate Action

Please Invoice or Provide Justification by August 8, 2024

The Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Division of Local Assistance (DLA) has been collaborating with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to reduce the number of inactive projects especially those that have not been reimbursed for 24 months or greater with unexpended federal funds of $50,000 or more. Local public agencies and Tribes are expected to invoice Caltrans regularly for projects in accordance with Section 630.106(a)(5) in Title 23 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

All documents listed below are located on the DLA Inactive Projects webpage, under category California Repeat Inactive Project List >24 months July 10, 2024, for FFY2024 Q4 at the bottom of the page. Please work with your Caltrans District Local Assistance Engineer to invoice or to provide justification for the projects in the Repeat Inactive List by August 8, 2024.

California Repeat Inactive Project List FFY24 Q4
Repeat Inactive Projects Justification Form
DLA Repeat Inactive Projects Notification Letter
Current Cost Estimate Form

Questions regarding this Inactive Project Notice, contact DLA Office of Project Management Oversight – South, Office Chief, Robert Nguyen.

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