Local Assistance Day Statewide Webinar – August 13th

Free Quarterly Statewide Webinar
August 13, 2024
8:30 am – 11:30 am PT

The Caltrans Division of Local Assistance (DLA), in partnership with the Regional Transportation Planning Agencies Group and in conjunction with California Local Technical Assistance Program (CALTAP), presents this quarterly statewide webinar focused on information sharing, local project delivery policies, processes, and procedures, and facilitating peer-sharing of best-practices.

This webinar is free and open to project managers, engineers, and other professionals working with local assistance processes for local and tribal agencies.

Topics to be presented:
• Critical Dates for Federal & State Programs: Project End Dates, Inactive Projects, Timely Use of Funds, & Reversion Dates
• Single Audit Report Package & Exemption Letters
• Office of Local Civil Compliance Updates

Registration closes Monday, August 12th.

Contact DLA at Caltrans.DLA@dot.ca.gov, or for registration contact the CALTAP Center.

View the Local Assistance Day Statewide Quarterly Webinars page on the DLA Blog.

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