Update – DLA Guidance & Oversight Open Office Hours: Completing the Subcontracting Request Form

August 6, 2024 – 11:00 am – 12:00 pm PT
September 10, 2024 – 11:00 am – 12:00 pm PT

The Division of Local Assistance Office of Guidance and Oversight will provide an open office hour to assist with questions on completing the subcontracting request form (Exhibit 16-B) which may be located on the Local Assistance Procedures Manual Forms webpage.

The Construction Oversight Program, under the Division of Local Assistance, performs construction oversight reviews in which certain areas are selected to measure the performance of Local Public Agencies (LPAs). One area of contract administration that repeatedly scored the lowest compliance is the Subcontracting Request. Per the review, the LPAs were asked if the Subcontracting Request form was submitted by the contractor and approved by the Resident Engineer prior to the start of a subcontracted work. For 2023, the compliance rate was 65%, well below the target compliance of 85%. The compliance rate for prior years was similar, with no improvement from year to year, hence the need for this open office hour. The open office hour will address LPAs’ questions related to the form and how to complete it properly.

Join the online meeting at time of event!
No registration required.

Contact Office of Guidance and Oversight’s Chad Yang with comments or questions.

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