Course Full: Federal-Aid Series Right of Way Training

The Right of Training registration is currently closed.

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August 21 – 22, 2024
8:30 am – 12:00 pm PT

Caltrans Right of Way is hosting a two-day online training detailing process and procedures for completion of project right of way work. The training will also outline state and federal regulations Local Public Agencies (LPAs) must follow for compliance with the Uniform Act – 49 CFR Part 24 and 23 CFR Part 410, as required when completing Right of Way activities on projects with federal aid.

Local government employees, consultants, who work in the transportation right of way decision making process and who value/acquire or manage real estate or utility relocations for federally funded transportation projects should attend.

Registration is closed.
To register for this free online training, please email Jennifer Wisniewski, Caltrans Right of Way. Please add ‘Right of Way Training’ in subject line when sending.

Registration is required, limited spaces available.

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