ArcGIS Platform Webinar for Local Public Agencies

August 20, 2024
8:30am – 12:30pm PT

Join California Local Technical Assistance Program (CALTAP) instructors to learn how local public agencies can use ESRI’s ArcGIS platform to create data-rich online municipal maps with a focus on geolocating vehicle crash incidents and related roadway infrastructure.

This 4-hour online course explores the power and application of ArcGIS, including how to map vehicle incident data using UC Berkeley’s TIMS database in preparation of municipal Local Road Safety Plans and Road Safety Audits.

Who is the Course for?
• Local public agency professionals interested in using ArcGIS to create online maps or growing their understanding of GIS, and how applications like ArcGIS can benefit planning, maintenance, surveying, and engineering activities.
• Some GIS experience is required. Participants should be familiar with basic GIS concepts like data layers, attribute tables, and editing symbology.

Learning Objectives:
• GIS Data Analysis
• Managing GIS Datasets
• Enhancing Maps Through Geoprocessing
• Introduction to ArcGIS by CSULB & Industry Experts
• Mapping Crash Data Using UC Berkeley’s TIMS Database
• Identifying, Tagging, & Collecting Location Asset Data

Due to the hands-on nature of this webinar, limited spaces are available.
Register now to secure a space!

Contact CALTAP with comments and questions.

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