Caltrans System Investment Strategy 2024

Caltrans is pleased to release the Caltrans System Investment Strategy (CSIS) and the companion California Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure (CAPTI) Alignment Metrics documents. The key objective of this investment strategy is to prioritize Caltrans’ infrastructure investments with consideration of their effects on safety, equity, climate action, economic prosperity, and mobility and other pertinent goals and needs.

CSIS and CAPTI Alignment Metrics documents are updated after public outreach and engagement process and comments received on the Draft CSIS through the comment period of March 1 to April 15, 2024.

Caltrans will apply the CSIS framework to prioritize projects to nominate for state and federal competitive funding opportunities. This framework also allows Caltrans to collaborate closely with partner agencies to identify and systematically promote project that reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) while expanding zero-emission and multimodal transportation options.

CSIS also supports the broader climate goals established in the California Transportation Plan (CTP 2050) and follows through on commitments outlined in the Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure (2021). CTP 2050 is the state’s broad vision for the future of the transportation system in California that reinforces a commitment to combatting climate change alongside other values such as safety, mobility and accessibility, environmental health and justice, and quality of life.

This release is a key action of the California State Transportation Agency’s Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure (CAPTI) and supports goals within the Caltrans California Transportation Plan (CTP 2050) that work to meet the state’s ambitious climate change mandates, targets, and policies in Executive Order N-19-19 and N-79-20 signed by Governor Newsom in 2019 and 2020, respectively.

Visit the Caltrans System Investment Strategy webpage for additional information.

Contact Caltrans System Investment Strategy Office with comments or questions.

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