Active Transportation Resource Center Webinar

Building Relationships with Community-Based Organizations/Nonprofits to Strengthen Local
Active Transportation Program Projects

August 21, 2024
9:30 am – 11:00 am PT

Community engagement is a key component of the Active Transportation Program’s (ATP) application. Partnering with community-based organizations/nonprofits can help applicants understand the unique active transportation needs of a community.

During the free Active Transportation Resource Center (ATRC) webinar, best practices from state experts in community engagement and public awareness, how the UC Berkeley Street Story tool can support ATP projects, and hear from local agencies that have successfully engaged their communities from project development through delivery will be shared. Presentations will be followed by a robust question and answer session, where attendees will have the opportunity to engage with presenters.

Special Guest Presenters
• Emma Mallonee, Transportation Planner, Caltrans Division of Local Assistance Office of State Programs
• Yumi Sera, Executive Director, CA Office of Community Partnerships and Strategic Communications
• Jarah Crowner, Policy and Program Analyst, UC Berkeley SafeTREC
• Colin Fiske, Executive Director and President, Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities (Humboldt County)
• Justin Robertson, Senior Planner, LA Department of Public Policies for Livable Active Communities and Environments Program
• Clare Eberle, Director of Strategic Engagement, City of Los Angeles Supervising Transportation Planner
• Marianne Hernandez, ATRC NI Technical Assistance Team, CA Department of Public Health Injury and Violence Prevention Branch

Registration required for the free webinar.

Contact Active Transportation Resource Center with comments and questions.

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