Traffic Incident Management Newsletter

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has prepared the Traffic Incident Management (TIM) newsletter for July 2024, and understands the TIM program saves the lives of road users, improves travel reliability and resiliency on roadways, and increases operational efficiencies for incident response organizations. They also know there are too many deaths on our roadways. In 2024, more than 20 responders have been struck and killed while managing roadway incidents. Thus, this newsletter spotlights funding, engagement, and outreach to turn the tide of roadway crashes and fatalities.

Please visit the below links for the articles within the newsletter:

Funding a Next-Generation TIM Innovation
USDOT Awards $813 Million in Safe Systems for All Grants to 385 Communities – Many Focus on TIM and Post-crash Care
FHWA Hosts the Fourth Senior Executive Transportation and Public Safety Summit to Discuss the Future of TIM
TIM in the 11th Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices For Streets and Highways

Contact FHWA’s Jim Austrich, Paul Jodoin, or Joseph Tebo with comments and questions.

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