Nevada LTAP Virtual Training – Pothole Patching & Repair

September 5, 2024
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm PT

Course Fee: $20

Register for Nevada Local Technical Assistance Program’s Pothole Patching & Repair virtual training! Using proper patching and repair techniques can improve structural integrity and restore rideability for pavements experiencing local failures. This two hour training compares partial and full-depth repair techniques along with materials used to implement them. It is intended for personnel who select or apply patching materials in potholes or localized structural failures, as well as individuals who may specify or inspect the work.

Learning Objectives:
• Identify the types of distresses best addressed by each treatment.
• Describe recommended materials and mixtures for each treatment.
• Summarize recommended construction procedures and key quality control activities for each treatment.

Instructor Greg Duncan is a Senior Engineer at Applied Pavement Technology, Inc. and a certified National Highway Institute (NHI) instructor and regularly teaches NHI’s “Maintenance Leadership Academy” and “Constructing and Inspecting Asphalt Paving Projects” courses.

Contact Nevada Local Technical Assistance Program with comments or questions.

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