FREE Acquisition & Relocation Workshop

October 8th -10th (Tuesday through Thursday)
9:00AM – 12:00PM

Government programs designed to benefit the public as a whole often result in acquisition of private property and, sometimes, in the displacement of people from their residences, businesses or farms. To provide uniform and equitable treatment for those whose property is acquired for public use, Congress passed a law commonly referred to as the Uniform Act.

This workshop will examine the federal real estate requirements on projects receiving federal-aid funds and will explore the basic concepts used in the right-of-way process. The discussion will include how to retain Federal participation on your project by complying with the Uniform Act and 23 CFR 710 Real Estate Requirements. This workshop will include both group and individual activities and will conclude with a knowledge evaluation.

The following topics will be covered (see the flyer below for a full list of topics):
•Appraisal review process
•Good Faith negotiations
•Early acquisitions, dedications, and donations
•Administrative settlements
•Funding and reimbursements

Workshop participants can expect to leave with a better understanding of how the Uniform Act can affect their projects and how to anticipate when right-of-way professional should be consulted.

To register please email David R. Chavez, Caltrans – Right of Way no later than Wednesday, October 3rd.

For presentation questions, please email Marshall Wainright, Chad Crawford, or you may call David R. Chavez at (916) 809-7413

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