Training: Federal Aid Series – Environmental Requirements

October 15, 2024
8:30 am – 4:30 pm PT

San Diego, CA

The Division of Local Assistance (DLA) Office of Environmental Compliance and Outreach (OECO) is hosting a free in-person, one-day training detailing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance process and procedures for local assistance projects. The training will also focus on environmental scoping tool preliminary environmental study (PES) form, NEPA class of actions, technical study requirements, mitigation measures, and revalidations.

Registration closes October 10, 2024.

Training capacity is limited to 30 participants.
Based on first-register, first confirmed attendance. After submitting the registration, an email will be sent confirming the registration is accepted or applicants are added to a waitlist, if the capacity has already been reached. Confirmed registrants will receive further training logistic details – location address, free parking, and materials.

Contact OECO’s Haiyan Zhang with comments and questions regarding the Environmental Requirements in-person training.

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