New! Electronic Signature-fillable Exhibit 6-A Preliminary Environmental Study Form

The Exhibit 6-A Preliminary Environmental Study (PES) Form is now Electronic Signature-fillable.  Please use the PDF posted on the Local Assistance Procedures Manual forms Webpage located at Note: Please do not convert the Word version to PDF.

Federal Aid Series – January Trainings

The Federal Aid Series provides an overview of key requirements and responsibilities for local agencies using federal funds. On January 21 in Marysville and on January 30 in San Diego, you will learn about “Federal Environmental Requirements for Local agency Transportation Projects ‘OFF’ the State Highway System”. On January 22 in Marysville, the topic is … Read more Federal Aid Series – January Trainings

Webinar on Integrating NEPA and Permitting

The Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Center for Local-aid Support is hosting an Innovation Exchange Webinar on Integrating NEPA and Permitting on May 24, 2017. Most projects administered by local governments, tribes, and federal land management agencies are documented Categorical Exclusions. The purpose of this webinar is to share ideas and practical measures for concurrent NEPA and permitting … Read more Webinar on Integrating NEPA and Permitting

Caltrans Authorized to Resume Participation in the NEPA Assignment Program

On March 30, 2017, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) acknowledged receipt of the certifications and that the waiver of immunity is adequate. As a result, effective March 30, 2017, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is once again authorized to participate in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Assignment Program, which Caltrans has performed since … Read more Caltrans Authorized to Resume Participation in the NEPA Assignment Program

FAQ for Air Quality Interagency Consultation (IAC)

1) Is the particulate matter Interagency Consultation process related to air quality conformity? Yes 2) What criteria pollutants is Interagency Consultation related to? PM10 and PM2.5 3) Does Interagency Consultation apply to areas that are in attainment for PM10 and PM2.5? No Does it apply to areas that are in attainment for PM10 and in … Read more FAQ for Air Quality Interagency Consultation (IAC)