Pavement Preservation When/Where

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), as part of Every Day Counts 4 (EDC-4) is hosting a webinar on Pavement Preservation When/Where. Be able to quantify the effects of preservation on pavement performance, starting with the definition and selection of the right performance measures and associated pavement condition metrics, triggers and thresholds. Follow a four-step procedure … Read more Pavement Preservation When/Where

Project Delivery Classes in Redding in March

The Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP) is offering classes for tribes and local agencies in Redding, California. Check out the list of classes in March below, including online classes. Click here for a list of all their upcoming classes through May. Classroom (Redding, CA) PROJECT DELIVERY: Getting Your Project Started | March 26 PROJECT DELIVERY: Introduction … Read more Project Delivery Classes in Redding in March

Webinar on Practical Design Principles for Affordable Roundabouts

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) is conducting a webinar on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM PT that will discuss how practical design principles can be used to help agencies afford roundabouts. While roundabouts have proven useful for pedestrians, transit users, and commuters, they have received complaints regarding their expense. Presenters … Read more Webinar on Practical Design Principles for Affordable Roundabouts

Project Bundling Webinar from FHWA

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Center for Local-Aid Support is offering a webinar on Project Bundling. By using project bundling to award a single contract for several similar projects in preservation, rehabilitation, or replacements, agencies can streamline design and construction, cut costs, and decrease project backlogs. Thursday, February 7, 201910am to 11:30am PST Click Here … Read more Project Bundling Webinar from FHWA

Attend an ATRC class on Bicycle Transportation: An Introduction to Planning and Design

The Active Transportation Resource Center (ATRC) is hosting multiple classes on Bicycle Transportation: An Introduction to Planning and Design. This class, in collaboration with Caltrans, will teach participants how to apply bicycle design concepts that best balance competing needs on a specific route. Current policy related to the future of active transportation will be discussed, … Read more Attend an ATRC class on Bicycle Transportation: An Introduction to Planning and Design

TRB Webinar on Systemic Pedestrian Safety Analysis and Risk Based Prioritization

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) is conducting a webinar on Monday, February 4, 2019 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM PT that features research from the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)’s Research Report 893: Systemic Pedestrian Safety Analysis. The webinar will describe how transportation agencies can utilize a systemic approach to pedestrian safety by … Read more TRB Webinar on Systemic Pedestrian Safety Analysis and Risk Based Prioritization