FHWA National Highway Institute Free Web-based Trainings

The Federal Highway Administration’s National Highway Institute (NHI) is now offering five new, exciting Environmental courses addressing climate change through adaptation and resilience. The target audiences for the courses are primarily transportation personnel who work in engineering, design, and project development/NEPA units in transportation agencies (mainly State DOTs). The courses will also be relevant to … Read more FHWA National Highway Institute Free Web-based Trainings

Improving Highway Safety with Intelligent Transportation System Web-based Training

The Federal Highway Administration’s National Highway Institute (NHI) is offering its updated training, Improving Highway Safety with ITS (FHWA-NHI-137070). This Web-based Training (WBT) provides public and private sector transportation practitioners with a contextual deep dive into Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technologies with the highest potential for safety benefits. Visit NHI’s website to learn more about … Read more Improving Highway Safety with Intelligent Transportation System Web-based Training

Basic Residential Relocation Under the Uniform Act Course

The Federal Highway Administration’s National Highway Institute (NHI) now offers the Basic Residential Relocation Under the Uniform Act (FHWA-NHI-141055) course, which consists of Web-based training (WBT) and Web-conference training (WCT) designed to advance knowledge and skills in relocation program expertise for in-practice application, and implementation of the Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act … Read more Basic Residential Relocation Under the Uniform Act Course

Pavement Preservation Academy

April 3–7, 2023 The California Pavement Preservation Center (CP2C) is pleased to announce a certificate program in pavement preservation, via the Pavement Preservation Academy. The certificate program consists of five, 3-hour modules including pavement repair and surface preparation, chip seals, slurry seals and micro surfacing, Cape seals, and thin hot mix overlays, and the student … Read more Pavement Preservation Academy

Basic Residential Relocation Under the Uniform Act Course

The Federal Highway Administration’s National Highway Institute (NHI) now offers the Basic Residential Relocation Under the Uniform Act (FHWA-NHI-141055) course, which consists of Web-based training (WBT) and Web-conference training (WCT) designed to advance knowledge and skills in relocation program expertise for in-practice application, and implementation of the Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act … Read more Basic Residential Relocation Under the Uniform Act Course

Federal-Aid Highway Program New Appraisal Trainings

If you are an appraiser that desires to learn how to incorporate the Uniform Act and 49 CFR Part 24 requirements into right-of-way appraisals, then the following courses are for you! The Federal Highway Administration’s National Highway Institute (NHI) now offer two new appraisal courses, Foundations of Federal-Aid Highway Program Appraisals (FHWA-NHI-141053) and Practical Applications … Read more Federal-Aid Highway Program New Appraisal Trainings